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News Week - The voice of the students

Writer: Roxanne/RoxoRoxanne/Roxo

All my life decisions up until this moment has led to this. The one week that every Journalism/Sports Journalism student has been raised to do. The one.... the only...

News Week.

That's right, the week none of us first years at uni were expecting. The layout that none of know what to do, while simultaneously on the ball with what we're told to do. Even if we're stuck inside due to.... exceptional circumstances.... we still have the week to think of what we want to hear from the news we look at.

"So what does this entail?" I hear one person ask in the very back row.

Well, what happens is every student from every year of the courses I previously mentioned get together (online) and work together to produce stories throughout the week. The stories can be as simple as finding a lucky pebble, to as complex as interviewing the Prime Minister about whether he prefers pineapple on pizza (far fetched, I know, but it can happen).

This is the time where we all try to show off what we can produce as well as what skills we bring to the table. As a first year, I'm still new to this experience. Luckily, the third years that we email and ask for advice on are very friendly (and one might be a tad sick of me from my mini panic at midday. If you read this, I'm so sorry dude, and thanks for getting me through) and they know what they're doing. Even the Masters students get a dig at it, probably producing the most media (and let's be honest, the most orderly).

As we live in a modern society with modern tech, they spread across a number of platforms. Happily for me, one of their medias includes Youtube, which makes me feel a little more at ease for multimedia tasks (especially since I've had a minor amount of experience). The other platforms they cover is Instagram, Twitter, Soundcloud (Thanks Feds), and even Tik Tok. Gotta get that media out somewhere.

Their main website is set up like any other news website. You get the latest feed come through, and you have sub-genres to write what you like. You can write what you like (if you're a student) and then it gets edited by the higher years before it's published. Then their social media crusades can begin. Exciting, no?

Well, oddly enough, I did manage to post stuff on here. The same day this very post will be up I have you know. Productivity at its finest!

All of these things I'm honestly surprised I got featured on the website. I was at least sure that there'd be something either been sent back to correct, or just told "hey, this ain't gonna fit, chief". But they didn't.... which I'm honestly happy about. It means I'm at least doing a semi-decent job.

As this is happening all week, there's been more posted over the first few days, and we still have tomorrow and Friday to go (if we have anything). If I can think of anything, I'll probably do it to push the boat out.

You know the best part?

The website isn't locked after News Week. It means that while we have an influx of news this week, we can still produce and post more as this goes on. Students have access to the channels, the social medias, everything to do with this. Which means, I can post content when it's suitable.... which is just like my Youtube channel, but it's not just my responsibility.

While it's only mid-week, it's still nice to reflect on how productive it's been for a week with nothing on technically. With studying usually being the fore-front, it's nice to have a change of pace to produce what you like to be seen. Productivity at its finest.

Might go on strike for editing. Too many syncs and my head is mush XD

-R (11/11/2020) : Remembrance Day (UK)



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