Struggling to keep up with what homonculus you need? Well today's your lucky day!
This guide will list what combinations you can get, as well as bracket them into the set emotions. Alongside this, I will also put a list of gifts that they will enjoy, as well as the prompt for the special gifts.
To begin with, you have 5 resources to use:
Wood, Clay, Meat, Iron and Water (unlocked in that order)
(Side note - When water is unlocked, you will get an achievement called "Complete Ingredients". The full list will be in a different guide)
When you fuse three ingredients together, you will get a homonculus with a set personality:
Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger.
While you'll get different types of homonculus, if you combine three different materials together (for example in this case water, iron and clay), then you will create something called a "failure". These will only give half the essence of the originals, but do have set failed combinations to summon them.
For this guide, I will place them in their respective bracket, but I will specify if they're failure next to it.
Liked Gifts - Almonds
Neutral Gifts - Present, Ice Cream, Candy
Disliked Gifts - Chocolate
Spikey - Wood, Wood, Clay
Rag - Clay, Clay, Wood
Meat - Meat, Meat, Meat
Carapace - Meat, Meat, Water
Scissors - Iron, Iron, Wood
Tentacle - Water, Water, Meat
Loss (Failure) - Clay, Meat, Iron Wood, Clay, Water
Clay, Iron, Water
Liked Gifts - Chocolate
Neutral Gifts - Present, Candy, Ice Cream
Dislike Gifts - Almonds
Mud - Clay, Clay, Clay
Zombie - Clay, Clay, Meat
Mummy - Meat, Meat, Clay
Flame - Meat, Meat, Iron
Metal - Iron, Iron, Iron
Ice - Water, Water, Water
Enmity (Failure) - Wood, Meat, Water
Wood, Iron, Water
Clay, Meat, Water
Liked Gifts - Sweets/Candy Neutral Gifts - Present, Almonds, Chocolate Dislike Gifts - Ice Cream
Insect - Wood, Wood, Water
Jiangshi - Clay, Clay, Water
Titanium - Iron, Iron, Meat
Flower - Water, Water, Wood
Veggies - Water, Water, Clay
Mermaid - Water, Water, Iron
Glee (Failure) - Wood, Clay, Iron
Wood, Meat, Iron
Liked gifts - Ice Cream Neutral Gift - Present, Almonds, Chocolate Disliked Gifts - Candy
Tree - Wood, Wood, Wood Animal - Wood, Wood, Meat
Rodent - Meat, Meat, Wood
Stone - Iron, Iron, Clay
Ataran - Iron, Iron, Water
Doll - Wood, Wood, Iron
Sand - Clay, Clay, Iron
Despair (Failure) - Wood, Clay, Meat
Meat, Iron, Water
Special Presents
These presents won't appear until you purchase a certain amount of items (I believe this took me at least two months in game to pop up, but if you're efficient it will be quicker). The following are the presents you can get, as well as the prompt they give for them
Stick Horse - Wants something exciting to play with
Jigsaw Puzzle - Asks about something to challenge herself
Music Box - Talks about music playing in the town
Book of tales - Asks for something to read
Another note - You will get 3 achievements for giving 15 gifts of each category (Love, like and hate)
-R (14/4/2021)