It's that time once again. Imagine the scene:
You wake up. The birds are singing, the sun is shining through your window, the day looks perfect. Even the forecast says it will be a great week to go outside. Even more luckily, your week is free! What can possibly take that away from you?
News Week, that's what.
Once again the actual planning for this week is still in a slight shamble, but attempts are up there when it comes to ideas for articles. We've got music madness from at least two people (Feds, if you read this, use your work on your blog), football and sport frenzies, and even continental crunches of all shape, size and flavour.
And me? Oh, just a casual thing of crying my eyes out while writing a reflection piece.

*Slightly more accurate representation of this article, even when I wasn't writing it.
The funny thing? I did think this through. The whole plan from start to finish. While I want to say "Oh yeah, I was able to sit down and just write it with no complications", that would make me a big liar and an even worse actress/actor. It was less to do with the content and more to do with how I portray certain things in it, because I'm not exactly going to insert every detail in there.
The first run of this was scrapped, mainly due to how silly it sounded. In my defence, it was 10pm and I, for some reason, fancied lemons. No lemons were acquired, and the idea was scrapped (no, I am not revealing it as it sounds very weird. Maybe in a different post).
Luckily, I do now have a finished piece...that turns out almost as long as the last essay I had to write.
Yes, it was accidental. No, I have no regrets.
Alongside this (not as) emotional masterpiece, I'm doing a review on a film. Which film, you might ask? I... have no idea. I've wrote out my article, but I still have to sit down and watch a film.
The last one I did was on a Studio Ghibli film (My Neighbour Totoro), and I wished to do that again. My issue is that I also want to cover something seasonal. A hidden gem that not many people would look at, or even consider.
On the plus side, I have a week to work on this, so it means I have time to consider a film, write up for the news website, and then refine it when showing you on here.
Although there's not much to say at the beginning of the week, I can hopefully fill you in on the shenanigans that can (potentially) happen. I mean, we're in a lockdown. I can't go out anywhere, so unless there's a recording session, the reflection is gonna be a funny one to consider.
We have plans, and we have a week to do it. To all those with projects, or writing tasks, may the odds be ever in your favour
(Totally original)
-R (08/03/2021)