Story writing is a funny thing at times. Having that one concept you wish to expand upon, padding it out more and more until that small little idea has become a fleshed out sculpture of a story (well, we hope anyway). Seeing your characters develop and grow as you put them into situations that seem more or less than ideal for them. Fleshing out a world in the way you want it. It's a nice feeling
The issue is when your mind does a blue screen of death on you.

(Here it is for reference if someone really didn't know what this was)
While this isn't a rare occurrence, it's an annoying one at times for how long it lasts. You have yourself stopping at one point over and over again, unable to fit the jigsaw piece you need into the right shaped hole. Once the blocker goes, you might find out you're trying to shove macaroni into a screwdriver, but at least you have a clearer head. This phase, for anyone who has to write a lot, is definitely a bigger headache than you need on top of things. Keeping up with your craft is one thing, but having the material to do so is another.
At least this phase is inclusive as it can affect not just story writing, but almost any form...hence why my blog posts have been lacking after my last one as of late.
It's an annoying thing to have the will to write, the idea to write about, but then forget how you wished to word it. There's plenty of ideas I can do, it's just stopping that mental jam to produce the words onto here for you to casually enjoy (or scrutinise, I don't blame you). Even if the perfect idea were to fly into my head, there would still be the struggle of either overthinking how I start it, or underthink how much I should write. There's not much point in writing if there isn't a topic I can at least waffle on about for your viewing... unless you want a very short piece and say "well, there's my reading done for the day", in which case good on you, but please pick up a book and turn to page 34.
There's definitely methods to get round these phases. Trying a new activity, finding something to engage with, even just taking a break entirely might do it. My method currently is trying to get revision done, while letting my mind wander for other concepts. While this has led me to create more story concepts rather than blog posts, this might not be all that bad. Writing in itself is a very fun hobby, and having people who are bouncing ideas off of each other is even better for this sort of thing. A friend of mine and I have character pairs that make a very odd dynamic, which definitely brings in a lot of ideas.
...As I'm writing this now, I actually came up with a one off idea of what I can do for a few weeks, which would be funny to share. Ideas are very weird at times, picking the oddest moments to arrive. Apologies for this being a very odd post, but hey, I hope this at least gives you something pointless to read for a little bit.
For real though, pick up a book and read 2 pages. It can be any book