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The last of the Afterlife - So long

Well, at 3pm UCT (which is literally the same in GMT), Afterlife- The Sacred Kaleidoscope will have shut down.

This'll be the last of my posts on this event, but I will be making references to it.

While this one is short, what I've said about the game has only given an overview into what the fans truly feel. It's something we can bond over, and a situation we can all share.

As of right now, the server is still up, but no one can log into it. I'm just camping in the lobby with a few other people, chatting about theories that make no sense.

A joyful time is had by all.

So long, 14th Branch of the Reaper Department.

So long, Afterlife.

Happy New Year to all!

(A proper post will be done tomorrow)

-R 31/12/2020 (The last day of the year from hell)

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